Humiliation of Muslims in the Caucasus: with songs from mosques, without beards and hijabs?

«When they thought that the bottom had been reached, a knock came from below» — this popular proverb is used by many Muslims commenting on the recent events in Dagestan.

As many have already guessed, we are talking about the broadcasting of Soviet military songs from the loudspeakers of several mosques in Makhachkala. After this incident shocked the Muslims of Dagestan (and not only them), the DUMD (Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of Dagestan) began to justify that they were not responsible for what happened, as it was done without their knowledge by EMERCOM, and apologies were made in their name in the media for this «mistake». But such a «mistake» is hardly accidental.

It points to at least two circumstances. First, in its own homeland, the DUMD does not even control its own mosques, with which representatives of law enforcement agencies can do whatever they want. Second, the fact that it was the last thing on their minds shows how they perceive the position and role of «official Islam» in Dagestan. Basically, they do not even consider it as something independent and sacred, but only as a tool to serve state interests and as a means of state propaganda. And if that’s the case, why not use it as intended?

The fact that this incident in Dagestan was not accidental is also proved by a similar incident that took place almost at the same time in Ingushetia. It became known that on May 8, at his first meeting with employees, the new head of the republic’s judicial bailiff service, Maxim Shatin, declared that he would not allow his male subordinates to wear beards and women to wear hijabs, and that the new head of Ingushetia, Magomed-Ali Kalimatov, supported him in this.

Shatin’s statement provoked a similar reaction in Ingushetia as the incident with the mosques in Dagestan. And the essence of these situations is identical — in both cases, Russian law enforcement officials who have lost their grip are trying to openly break Muslims, their religion, and their honor. The only difference was the degree of this demonstration, which in Dagestan exceeded all imaginable limits. That is why those responsible for such abuses apologized.

In Ingushetia, on the other hand, the leader (or rather the Kremlin’s deputy in Ingushetia) has not yet reacted to the anti-Islamic misconduct of the chief bailiff. This suggests that this figure has indeed been given carte blanche to combat Islamic manifestations within his department.

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