Russian culture in the hands of the ROC?

The preservation of the cultural and educational sphere under the control of the obvious creature of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) is an obvious sectarian aspect of the newly formed government of Russia. It should be recalled that in the previous government the Ministry of Education was headed by such a person — Olga Vasilyeva ( At the same time, while openly lobbying for the interests of the ROC, she also openly opposed the protection of the legitimate interests of Muslims in the country’s educational sphere, especially the right of Muslim girls to wear hijab (

In the new government, Olga Lyubimova has already become the head of the Ministry of Culture — the chief lobbyist of the so-called «Orthodox cinema». As a cinematographer, she has directed a total of 80 documentaries on Orthodox themes, and was the chief editor of such programs as «Orthodox Calendar» and «Russian Perspective with Ivan Demidov,» as well as leading other Orthodox projects.

And what is the position in the new government of one of the prominent participants of Islamic projects? This is a rhetorical question. (In the photo — a screenshot from the film «The Horde», made with the support of the Ministry of Culture, where Lyubimova previously headed the cinematography department).

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