Ramil Shamsutdinov — Tatar, has he straightened his shoulders?

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«Atlas Shrugged» — that’s the title of a popular work by Ayn Rand.

«Tatar* shrugged his shoulders» — that’s how to characterize the event that took place the day before, when the soldier Ramil Shamsutdinov, serving in the military unit of the village of Gorny in the Zabaykalsky region, shot 8 of his comrades, including officers and contract soldiers.

No one who is directly or indirectly familiar with the realities of the Russian army had any doubts about the reasons for what happened when it became known that a conscript who had served only 4 months had shot officers and soldiers, including contract soldiers.

«A boy couldn’t stand the abuse of his elders» — that was the almost unanimous and overwhelmingly sympathetic reaction of commentators on social media when the name and surname of the «boy» were not yet known.

That is why, contrary to the impression you might get from the title of this article, we do not want to make the national issue the main focus of this problem.

Hazing in the Russian army, as in the Soviet army before it, is a widespread phenomenon, and conscripts of any nationality are victims of it.

Hence, again, the sympathy of commentators of various nationalities for the soldier who provoked such actions.

But not everyone will react to such humiliations in the same way.

Despite what Olga’s bots started singing in the comments when the soldier’s surname and nationality became known — that he was a hidden Islamist, etc. — from his biography, known from open sources, it can be concluded that he was a sporty guy who wanted to serve in the military and even planned to attend a military academy.

Moreover, the Russian coat of arms on the T-shirt in which he was photographed does not indicate any «anti-Russian» convictions.

And so this young man joins the army and begins to be deliberately abused.

Like thousands of others like him.

But — and here the national factor cannot be avoided — in this case apparently also because of his nationality.

At least, various military sources themselves reported, and Russian media, starting with Lenta.ru, wrote that the national subtext in the humiliation of Shamsutdinov, which provoked him to such actions, is being investigated.

So it is not surprising that the majority of ordinary Russian commentators sympathize with the conscript who was driven to despair.

Nor is it surprising that commentators, especially those of Tatar and more broadly Muslim background, feel solidarity with their compatriot.

After all, if we follow the media reports, it turns out that Shamsutdinov sought revenge not only for personal humiliation, but also for national dignity.

And these actions of his could not but resonate with the feelings of many Tatars, who in recent years have only accumulated resentment for the humiliations and oppression of their people, starting from the arrogant behavior of Kremlin propagandists and ministers (https://golosislama.com/news.php? id=37386), to the deliberate encroachment on Tatarstan, whether it is the non-renewal of the treaty with them, the fight against the Tatar language in schools, the organization of militarized Cossacks and the settlement of Orthodox settlers from other regions of the republic, and so on.

From the outside, it may seem that the Tatars are quiet and have swallowed all this silently and will continue to do so.

But their reaction to the desperate act of their compatriot shows that this is not the case.

Hazing is fraught with nervous breakdowns not only at the level of individual conscripts in a military unit, but also at the level of entire nations on a nationwide scale…

* Tatar self-identification in the singular, in the Russian language, the literary norm is «Tatar».


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