Alexander Galambitsa: A third term for accepting Islam?

Recently converted Muslim Alexander Galambitsa, whose case our long-time readers should remember, is in danger of ending up behind bars for the third time, simply because he embraced Islam and did not renounce it under pressure in places of detention. It should be recalled that Galambitsa was initially sentenced to 4 years for alleged possession of weapons and ammunition, although he was presented nationwide as a «recruiter», which was neither proven nor officially attributed to him as a crime. During his time in the colony, he was reportedly mistreated for refusing to renounce Islam, as he was required to do.

However, this story had an even sadder sequel. According to reports from those close to Alexander on social media, just 10 minutes after his release from the colony, where he had served his full sentence, he was rearrested and sentenced to an additional 2 years for committing a «thought crime» in the colony. On August 28, Galambitsa was released after serving this term as well. However, according to his acquaintances, on his way home «powder» was «found» sewn into his shoes. Surprisingly, the examination did not recognize it as a drug, but concluded that it was an analgesic, after which he was released.

Galambitsa’s acquaintances, with whom he has been in contact, claim that he is expecting another arrest at any moment, since, based on previous experience, there seems to be an intention to have him sentenced to life imprisonment. It should be noted that Varvara Karaulova, who was traveling through Turkey to join the recognized terrorist organization IS in Syria, was pompously released after she renounced Islam under the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church and was handed over to the well-known Islamophobe Margarita Simonyan as a guarantor.

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