Are the Russian Orthodox Church, the Freemasons, the 90s, and Ksenia Sobchak’s wedding all connected?

The wedding of Ksenia Sobchak is the last thing that should be written about on an Islamic website, if for no other reason than the participation in this personal life event of a scandalous figure from the highest religious and political circles of the country.

After all, we are talking about a recent candidate for the presidency of Russia. According to the controversial deacon Andrei Kurayev, Sobchak’s wedding in the church of Nikitskiye Vrata, officiated by the pastor, Archpriest Vladimir Divakov, who is the personal secretary of Patriarch Kirill Gundyaev of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), could not have taken place without the direct consent of the latter.

It is worth recalling in this regard that just a few months ago the same thing happened to another close associate of Gundyaev, the pastor of another equally important Moscow church of the ROC, when Archpriest Alexander Ageikin received a delegation of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Russia with gifts in the Elohovsky Church and was photographed with its members (

As we wrote then, the Masons were excommunicated from the Church, at least from its overseas part (ROCA), which merged with the ROC in 2007. As for Ksenia Sobchak, no one has excommunicated her from the Church, but it is well known that the «sacraments» of the Church, including the wedding ceremony, involve certain obligations for ordinary Orthodox believers.

In particular, if those approaching the wedding have lived together before marriage, it usually involves penance, sometimes with fasting and prescribed abstinence as conditions for receiving communion («forgiveness of sins»). We certainly do not know what penances and fasts Ksenia Sobchak went through, but it is known that right after the wedding she organized another debauchery and took part in it in the most indecent ways and forms.

And this would certainly be a problem for her personally and for the Church, of which she is a parishioner, if it were not for the Church’s claim to control society as a whole. Apart from the fact that these claims contradict the Constitution of the country and violate the rights of followers of other confessions, as can be seen in such examples as fraternization with Freemasons or religious legitimization of wanton debauchery, all this has nothing to do with the genuine revival of Orthodoxy.

The establishment of the ROC does not need high-ranking Freemasons or loose women who repent and change when they come to the Church — it is enough for them that such influential people recognize their dominant position in the Church, and everything else can be overlooked.

And in this regard, it is impossible not to notice that in such a significant nationwide event as the wedding of Ksenia Sobchak, not only the leadership of the ROC (indirectly) participated, but also the highest political leadership. For example, the press secretary of the president, Dmitry Peskov, came to congratulate the «oppositionist», and among the guests of the newlyweds was noted the recent gray cardinal of the Kremlin, Vladislav Surkov.

What do all these people, who threaten ordinary Russians with a return to the 1990s if they leave power, have in common with a figure from show business and society gossip like Ksenia Sobchak? They have much more in common than all of them — power and such «opposition» — try to present to us. After all, the current «savior of Russia from the chaos of the 90s» began his political career as the loyal assistant of Anatoly Sobchak, one of the main executioners of those 90s.

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