Bottomless pits?

«Bottomless mullahs» — this is an apt name for Russian «Muslim religious figures» — active participants in the propagandistic revelry in support of the war against Ukraine. In the sense that they have no bottom, and they confirm this time and again.

Just recently they accepted a disgraceful fatwa, from which they cannot cleanse themselves, no matter what they say afterwards ( It seemed that there was no bottom to fall deeper into, but no, they successfully proved that there is no bottom they cannot dig deeper than the previous one. This time the organized conference «World Traditional Religions Against the Ideology of Nazism and Fascism in the 21st Century» became such a bottom.

And it’s not even about the nonsense they spewed this time (it’s about the same at all these events), but about who was the leading figure of this conference and who sang in unison with «our» bottomless mullahs. The retired general and current member of the State Duma Vladimir Shamanov became this person.

The same one who not only his military opponents, but even Russian officers and officials at that time, when there were still people with conscience in the Russian system, called the butcher and executioner of the Chechen people. That’s exactly how General Aslanbek Aslakhanov, the head of the Interior Ministry (!) and Putin’s advisor (!!), referred to Shamanov at the time — as a «butcher», a «curse on the Chechen people», a «plague that fell on the heads of the Chechens». The former president of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev, made similar statements in an attempt to resist Shamanov’s scorched-earth policy.

All this was possible at a time when it was not possible to hide the obvious, and when representatives of the Russian system adhered to the idea of «good» and «bad» investigators, claiming that Akhmat Kadyrov was needed as an alternative to Shamanov, who would otherwise have been tasked with «solving the Chechen problem to the end». In other words, even within the Russian system at that time, there was an understanding that for Muslims, for Chechens, Shamanov was absolute evil. Illusions existed only in relation to what could be an alternative to him.

And now, twenty years have passed, and there are no more illusions — now «our» bottomless mullahs perceive absolute evil as a good, which they call upon to carry further into Ukraine. In this regard, we remind that in concrete cases of war crimes against civilians, including the bombing of refugees and the massacre in Katyr-Yurt and Alkhan-Yurt, Shamanov was accused by the European Court of Human Rights, the Memorial Society and Human Rights Watch. Oh yes, now they are also banned in Russia, where shamanism, having discarded all masks and rules of decency, has become state policy and ideology.

Thus the mullahs, who have become the servants and accomplices of Shamanov and his ilk, have become bottomless.

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