Bucha: Massacre and «Russian Tradition»?

Not long ago, many, including us, wrote about the disgusting words of the Pope that the most brutal crimes in Ukraine were committed by Russian military personnel who do not belong to the «Russian tradition,» but rather by Chechens and Buryats. Much has been said about this, but recently a very visual video investigation of the most notorious massacre of this war — what happened in Bucha — was released. Journalists from the New York Times, step by step, based on comparing photographs with witness testimony, phone bills and uncovered databases, identified the identities of those who committed atrocities against civilians on one of the streets of Bucha. The report contains graphic images. But those who are prepared for it can watch it through the link below — the narration is in English, but there are Russian subtitles at the bottom (if they are not available, you need to enable this option in the settings):


Bad news for the Pope — among the killers of the local population in this report there are no Chechens or Buryats, and all of them are representatives of the «Russian tradition» he wanted to protect — paratroopers of the 234th Airborne Assault Regiment under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Artem Gorodilov, from the notorious Pskov Airborne Division, known for similar war crimes. It may shock some people what they did, but only those who do not know — this is exactly what they did before in Chechnya. Specifically, what they call «cleansing» in their language. In real life, it means the extermination of anything that arouses even the slightest suspicion or dislike in the territory under their control.

It may shock some people that the bearers of the «Russian tradition» committed such cold-blooded and even sadistic murders without any military necessity, this time against Slavs and Christians, about whom they are taught that they are part of the same nation. But do not be deceived — if they get the order tomorrow, they will kill not only the inhabitants of Bucha, but also of cities like Voronezh or even Moscow, if there is any disturbance there and they are ordered to carry out a «cleansing», claiming that there are «traitors to the motherland» and «agents of the West» living there.

The moral of this story is that the Pope has embarrassed himself not only in relation to Chechens and Buryats. In fact, he is doing a disservice to the Russians themselves, whose grandmothers are now calling in to live television broadcasts and suggesting that instead of Russians, Caucasians should be recruited for the war because it is «in their blood» to kill. And this is a typical world view of those who now want to «denazify» Ukraine, using the same methods as in Bucha and many other places after it.

Therefore, until its bearers reflect on what is wrong with this «Russian tradition» that the Pope has taken upon himself to defend, nothing good awaits the bearers themselves. After all, Ukraine has already freed itself from it and will soon sweep it away with a broom from its entire territory. Just like after that — with Chechens and Buryats. And then the «Pskov paratroopers» will be left alone with their carriers. It will be up to them to find out what their «tradition» means and what is «in their blood».

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