Coronavirus catastrophe in the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia and criminal policies of the government?!

While the Kremlin prepares for its referendums on the violation of the Russian Constitution and another celebration on the bones of the victims of World War II, the situation with the coronavirus pandemic remains not only difficult in Russia as a whole, but also close to a catastrophe in several regions.

Unfortunately, among them are once again the regions with a compact historical presence of Muslim peoples. Our readers from Karachay-Cherkessia inform us about the disaster in this region, which their puppet authorities are trying to silence.

According to official data, as of June 14 there were just over 2,000 people infected with the coronavirus in the region, and about 10 deaths. However, it seems that the same story as in Dagestan is repeating itself in Karachay-Cherkessia, where the shocking number of people infected and killed by this disease has not been included in the official statistics of its victims (

Numerous local sources report the mass nature of the infection and mortality, often with several deaths in one family, as well as overcrowded hospitals, a shortage of medical personnel and protective equipment, ambulances refusing to respond to calls, and protests by both medical personnel and ordinary residents of the republic. Prominent Russian urbanist Ilya Varlamov writes about all this, citing these facts (

Our readers also report that the residents of the republic are on the verge of spontaneous uprisings similar to what happened in Vladikavkaz ( or even more massive. For the time being, people are held back only by the fear that this will lead to an even greater spread of the disease, but patience is running out, because instead of acknowledging and solving the problem, the local authorities are trying to silence those who talk about it.

The residents of Karachay-Cherkessia, who have lost faith in their «own» authorities (which are actually puppet authorities of Moscow, since they do not depend on the population of the republic), are placing some hope in the «center». Unfortunately, they will be disappointed, as the Kremlin is currently determined to carry out the resetting of Putin’s terms and the ceremonial parade on schedule, which they believe they have already delayed for a long time.

That is why the catastrophic situation is now being silenced not only in Karachay-Cherkessia, but wherever possible, as long as the local population allows it to be silenced. The only way to spoil their planned celebration is through performances that draw attention to people’s problems and force them to take measures to solve them. And if such an opportunity is not available, then at least it is necessary to spread information about what is happening as much as possible, so that people realize the criminal nature of the policies of this authority and at least do not support it at the cost of their health and lives by participating in the farce of its referendums and parades.

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