From whom should Muslims in Russia protect their honor and property?

We continue to analyze the arguments with which current and future Russian imams and muftis are stuffed at the Russian Islamic Institute as part of the course «Formation of the All-Russian Civil Identity of Muslims in Russia». The previous analysis of this propaganda can be read here and through the link in this article (

So, since Sharia recognizes values (maqasid) such as religion, life, wealth, preservation of lineage, reason, along with honor, according to the words of one of the lecturers, Muslims in Russia who are fighting against Ukraine are participating in jihad to protect maqasid such as honor and property. They say that if Russia loses, its people will be humiliated and forced to pay reparations, i.e. their property will be taken away from them.

According to these Kremlin idiots, when Muslims in Russia are raped and otherwise humiliated for practicing Islam, it does not require jihad from its Muslims to defend their honor. And when courts ban translations of the Qur’an and Hadith, prayer collections, and remembrances of Allah, which are universally recognized and freely published in all countries with normal Islamic literature, this also does not require jihad from its Muslims to defend their honor.

And when weapons, drugs, and «extremist literature» are planted, and when Muslims are beaten and thrown on the ground with their hands tied while being arrested, and all this is filmed and shown on television by Islamic preachers, knowledgeable students, and publishers, this also does not require Jihad from its Muslims to defend their honor.

And when girls and women are forbidden to wear hijab in schools and institutes, including in Muslim countries where practicing Muslims live, this also does not require jihad from its Muslims to defend their honor.

But jihad is required of Muslims to defend the honor of Putin, Medvedev, Soloviev and Simonyan, as well as Prigozhin and Sudovikin, some of whom have killed thousands of Muslims, while others have ordered or justified it.

And jihad is demanded from Muslims to defend the honor of Patriarch Kirill, Dugin, Malofeev and Strelkov, who are waging a war to officially turn Russia into an Orthodox state, where Muslims will be considered not only practically but also legally as second-class citizens.

The same logic is proposed for the defense of property. It does not require a jihad by Russian Muslims to stop the plundering of Muslim lands and the extraction of oil, gas, and other natural resources from them for the Kremlin treasury through taxes, as well as the exploitation of Russian companies.

And it does not require jihad by Russian Muslims to prevent their taxes from being spent on palaces for Putin, Medvedev, and hundreds of other leaders of this regime who indulge in extravagant luxuries while money is raised in this country to treat children with cancer abroad.

And it does not require jihad from Russian Muslims when Muslim property is confiscated through the demolition of mosques built on their own land, as was the case with Artur Rusyaev, who was thrown into prison and killed there for defending his own rights and the rights of his fellow believers through a legal process. And when this happened, jihad was not demanded from Muslims either — not only with the sword, but, God forbid, even with a careless word.

But jihad is demanded, and billions of rubles are spent on bombing Ukraine with expensive weapons and paying funeral expenses for those killed there, just so that these criminals like Putin, Shoigu, Prigozhin, Soloviev, Simonyan, etc. do not have to pay for all the damage they and their accomplices among the «Muslims» like them have done to the people of Ukraine, including its Muslims.

Oh, possessors of reason, is it necessary to waste time with a detailed refutation of this absurdity, which is obvious to anyone who has even a particle of faith, as well as reason and honor?

No, truly, this is a clear matter. And finally, we recommend that you see and listen to the speech on this subject by one of the callers who was actually expelled from his home with the confiscation of those Sharia rights, the protection of which these scoundrels use to justify their atrocities.

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