Is it not Islamic extremism or is it again the cult of «Atatürk»?

And not only us — the corresponding information became known to the general public even in Turkey itself, as evidence appeared on social networks that commemorations in connection with another anniversary of Kemal’s death took place not at the state level, but in some educational institutions.

It turned out that in some places children were literally forced to worship this idol, i.e. to kneel before it (

In other cases, children were taught to say about him, «Atatürk is my creator» (astaghfirullah) (

Since there were quite a few of these cases, they generated a campaign of outrage from parents who were not necessarily opposed to Kemal himself, but simply had minimal religious knowledge and/or human dignity.

After all, it is one thing to respect a politician as a leader, and quite another to worship him as a religious cult, which is clearly what is happening in this case.

This story is instructive in that it shows once again how the infamous secular forces, which accuse believers of obscurantism, suppression of human individuality, etc., themselves impose the worship of their cults on everyone at the first opportunity, without caring about freedom of choice or respect for human dignity.

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