Is Macron Leading France on the Chinese Path Against Islam?

What is happening in France resembles more and more either the assassination of Kirov in the USSR or the burning of the Reichstag in the Third Reich with the subsequent events. In general, what is happening is exactly what Emmanuel Macron proposed before the murder of this unfortunate teacher-joker, and for which he became an excellent excuse — a nationwide pogrom of the Islamic community in France, comparable to the consequences of the attack on the Twin Towers in America, or the explosions of houses and loud acts of terrorism against the Chechen diaspora in Moscow.

In addition to dozens of detentions, interrogations and arrests, the question of an official ban on 51 (!) Islamic organizations, including such organizations as the «Collective against Islamophobia in France» has been raised. Those who simply criticized absolutely disgusting cartoons were arrested — and it should be emphasized that we are not only talking about the depiction of the Prophet, peace be upon him, but about the most vulgar drawings that are unacceptable in principle towards any person, even the last one.

In other words, these people have not threatened anyone, have not incited violence, and have been effectively imprisoned for simply expressing their opinion — this is Macron’s understanding of «freedom of expression». These people are portrayed as responsible for the murder that occurred, although even if we leave aside the main instigators of this provocative campaign, in addition to the actual organizers and perpetrators of the murder, the unqualified French police should also be blamed. After all, it turned out that they were informed in advance about the threats against this teacher, and it was also known that on the day of the murder, the presumed executioner walked around the school all day long, questioning the students about this teacher. In other words, the police had every reason to take action to protect him, but they did not. Or did they not want to?

So, who is to blame — those who did not fulfill their duties or those who used their right to criticize without inciting anything illegal? Against this background, it is not surprising that Macron turned to Vladimir Putin and asked that the French interior minister be received by his Russian counterparts and taught how to combat extremism. But, as Muslim bloggers sarcastically noted, why stop there — why not send the French interior minister directly to China to study the experience in Xinjiang? Apparently, he — Gérald Darmanin — is fully prepared to do so. For, in addition to his attacks on Islamic organizations, he has declared the inadmissibility of having halal sections and shelves in French stores. And logically, this is just one step away from forcing Muslims to eat pork or drink alcohol, as is done in China’s re-education camps.

Someone might say that we are exaggerating and that the goal of the French authorities is only to prevent extremism and protect freedom of speech in their country. This argument could be taken seriously if the stumbling block between Macron and Muslims was only the issue of cartoons. But this is not the case — we have repeatedly written about how members of the government and Macron’s party have created scandals over the mere visit of a veiled Muslim woman to the French parliament, a native Frenchwoman, by the way, who was elected by French students to represent them. The fight against the hijab, the fight against halal, which did not start now but has reached a new level under a convenient pretext, has nothing to do with the fight against extremism and terrorism. This is precisely the Chinese path that Macron is confidently following.

But where will it lead the French themselves? The Chinese experience, and earlier the Russian experience that Macron now wants to adopt, shows that the massive repression of one group does not stop with them, but sooner or later spreads to the rest of society and leads to a change in the social order. For example, if halal products disappear, devout Muslims may switch to a vegetarian diet. And then what? Start fighting against vegetarian departments and shelves used by French vegetarians? If the hijab is banned, people can wear a headscarf or a beret with a scarf — will they also be banned? That is what is happening. And what it leads to for the Chinese themselves, we can also see — to a state system of total citizen control in the form of so-called «social credit» and ubiquitous facial recognition and tracking of movements and actions, as well as brainwashing with mandatory state ideology.

And frankly, it is not surprising that all of this is gradually becoming a reality in France. As we have written many times before, it was in this country that the proto-Communist ideology and practice of uniting all citizens in the compulsory worship of the republican civic cult of the Great Being first arose, which then inspired the Russian and later Chinese Communists to implement it in their own countries. And today we see the French establishment gravitating towards those regimes that remain faithful to this political tradition. «Coincidence? We don’t think so.»

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