Lev Ponomarev: Am I Being Persecuted for Defending Muslims?

A few months ago, we wrote about the oldest human rights organization, «For Human Rights,» which was burdened with fines from the state and on the verge of closure. However, the authorities decided not to give it the slightest chance. Yesterday it became known that the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation has appealed to the court with a demand for the official liquidation of this organization.

This decision was clearly commented by its leader, Lev Ponomarev. As could be expected, in addition to the general persecution of human rights defenders currently taking place in the country, law enforcement agencies also dislike this organization because it protects Muslims.

In particular, he refers to the organization Hizb ut-Tahrir, which is banned and recognized as a terrorist organization in Russia. Ponomarev emphasizes that he is an ideological opponent of this organization, but he finds it outrageous that people are sentenced to almost life imprisonment, 24 years, just because of their membership in this organization, without any accusation of preparing terrorist acts.

From our side, we also oppose this organization on a number of issues. But no matter how we feel about it, the fact remains that its legality or ban is an indicator of the state’s attitude towards other Muslim groups. In countries like the UK or Australia, where this party is legal, other peaceful Muslim groups can operate freely. In the same countries where it is banned, they also face problems.

However, as can be seen from what is happening in Russia, this logic is not limited to Muslims, so all segments of civil society are interested in ensuring that all organizations, except those that call for violent actions against the state and its citizens, can exist in a secular, legal, democratic state.

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