New attack on «Chernovik»?

For the Muslim (and not only) media sphere in Russia, the main event today has become the «mask show» of law enforcement officers in the editorial office of the newspaper «Chernovik» in Makhachkala. These «operational activities,» as they are called, were carried out under the leadership of investigators Nadir Televov and Shamil Valimagomedov as part of a criminal case against Chernovik journalist Abdulmumin Gadzhiev.

There is no doubt that this raid was carried out in retaliation for the defense of their employee by the newspaper «Chernovik,» which has become to a large extent the center of this campaign and the consolidation of journalistic and other civil society in Dagestan.

«Chernovik» is not the first time at the forefront — after its investigations into law enforcement abuses and corruption in the republic in 2011, its founder Khadzhimurat Kamalov was killed, and in 2013, journalist Ahmednabi Ahmednabiyev was killed.

In this connection, commenting on the news of the raid by law enforcement officers on the editorial office of the legendary newspaper, the well-known journalist and public figure Maxim Shevchenko said: «Not only have the security forces sabotaged the investigation into the murder of Chernovik founder Khadzhimurat Kamalov, not only are they arbitrarily and groundlessly accusing journalist Abdulmumin Gadzhiev in court, but now they want to destroy the editorial office of Chernovik. Shameful authorities, shameful methods! I wonder what will be the reaction of the progressive journalist community in Russia?

The reaction of the Russian journalistic community to this was that the main opposition media reported the news with relevant coverage, for which they also deserve thanks. However, it is certainly not the same level of reaction as the arrest of Golunov — what happens to Muslims and in general in the «provinces» remains consistently on the periphery of interest for the «progressive community» in Moscow.

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