Putin gives pearls to nationalists. Posthumously?

The Kremlin is forced to react to the strikingly high proportion of casualties among Russian servicemen of Caucasian origin in Ukraine, as we have already written (https://golosislama.com/news.php?id=40527). To sweeten the pill for the nationalists, it was decided to invent a new cult. Specifically, that of a heroic native who dies for the «gathering of Orthodox Russian lands» in the «Russian world,» where the role of various non-Russian ethnic groups as soldiers should be solidified. Here is what the «Gatherer of Russian Lands» himself said about it:

«I have signed a decree awarding the title of Hero of Russia posthumously to First Lieutenant Nurmagedov Engelsovich Gadzhimagomedov. In the battle he confidently commanded his soldiers, protected his subordinates, having already suffered a serious injury, fought to the end and blew up himself and the militants surrounding him with a grenade. He took this step because he understood who he was dealing with. With neo-Nazis who tortured and brutally killed prisoners. I am a Russian. As they say, I am surrounded by Ivans and Marias. But when I see examples of such heroism, like the heroism of the young man Nurmagedov Gadzhimagomedov, a native of Dagestan, a Lak by nationality, and other warriors, I want to say: I am Lak, I am Dagestani, I am Chechen, Ingush, Russian, Tatar, Mordvin, Ossetian. It is impossible to list them all. I think you understand me.»

What can I say? The collector has long since settled not only in his bunker, where he does not allow even his own ministers within 30 meters of him, but also in a parallel reality. After all, the uncensored Internet is full of videos showing Ukrainian soldiers treating Russian prisoners with extreme courtesy. They contact their relatives and offer to take them back themselves. Russian servicemen know this very well, so in a situation where they have to choose between senseless death and capture, they increasingly surrender, knowing that they will be treated properly as prisoners.

Except for categories like pilots and artillerymen who level houses with civilians where there are already hundreds of dead civilians, so the whole story about blowing yourself up with a grenade to avoid surrendering to these neo-Nazi scum is just typical Putin nonsense. A nice story (for those who swallow this baloney) to embellish the senseless deaths of representatives of these peoples and even to instill pride in them.

By the way, this is not the first cult of a «loyal martyr-native». Before that, if anyone remembers, there was another one, which became the basis for their slogan «Work, brothers».

And it all looks like this: for the Kremlin, a good Dagestani is a dead Dagestani, whose image can be used for their service and to inspire his compatriots to sacrifice their lives for this imperial Moloch. After all, who else can one think of among those whom imperial propaganda is trying to turn into a cult?

Even politically neutral fighters like Khabib and others in MMA are subject to harassment in peacetime because they, in their accessible form, try to bring different values to their compatriots than those of the broader Russian society, and besides, look at the hypocrisy of Putin, who, in a time of war, remembered the Dagestanis, Ingush, Tatars, Ossetians, and so on. But if you love them so much, how do you show it in peacetime? After all, political autonomy and local self-government have been destroyed or severely restricted in almost all of these republics, Russian governors have been appointed, and the Russification of their educational systems is being carried out. But now, when cannon fodder is needed, they remember each of them by name and create new cults that encourage them to sacrifice their lives for the whims of the mad ruler, which is reminiscent of the situation with the communists who, after coming to power, waged a war against the spiritual values of the peoples of the country, including Russians. But then, when the war with the Germans began, they forgot about Karl Marx and, through Stalin’s mouth, turned to «brothers and sisters,» remembering «Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy,» and so on.

The situation today is different only in that, looking at the composition of those who are fighting and dying, it is clear that there is a critical shortage of Russian cannon fodder due to the increasing extinction and degeneration of the Russian people under the rule of the builders of the «Russian world». Therefore, these gaps will have to be filled by the peoples who, thanks to Islam not yet completely destroyed in this empire, still have a decent demographic resource, so under no circumstances should you fall for this nonsense and make sure to bring it to the attention of your fellow believers and compatriots why the tyrant is putting these pearls around your neck and what price you can pay for them, both in this life and in the next.

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