«Russian-speaking» vs. native languages?

According to Idel.Realii, at a meeting held at the Ministry of Education, «defenders of the Russian-speaking population» from federal and quasi-federal structures raised the issue of abolishing the compulsory study of native languages in schools in the republics of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the same people had already succeeded in eliminating the obligatory subject of the second state language from the republican educational programs in the respective republics: Tatar, Chuvash, Yakutian, etc.

At that time they argued that these subjects forced Russian children to learn languages that were not their mother tongue. To avoid this, a new subject was introduced — «mother tongue», the right to choose which was given to the student and his parents.

According to this choice, Russian children could study Russian as their mother tongue, Tatar children could study Tatar, and so on. However, this does not satisfy the defenders of the rights of the «Russian-speaking» population.

And now they insist on abolishing the compulsory study of Tatar, Chuvash and other languages of the titular nationalities of the Russian Federation, even for children for whom it is their mother tongue.

But how can this be justified? Will Russian children study their mother tongue Russian, while Tatar children will not study their mother tongue Tatar?

No, now these people propose to stop teaching both mother tongue and Russian, and to study only Russian as the state language. This is how the «defenders of the Russian language» see it — as a tool to assimilate all native peoples, including Russians, into the «Russian world», who apparently do not consider Russian as their native language.

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