The End of the Russian Orthodox Church. Who will fill the spiritual void?

We have written a lot about the «Mullahs of the Moscow Patriarchate» and we will continue to do so. However, it is important to understand that they are nothing more than pawns.

Apart from the political leadership that made the decision to start this war, the main culprit of the current war is the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (ROC MP), within which the entire ideology of the «Russian World» was conceived and approved by the Russian elite.

In addition to the hundreds of priests of the ROC MP who are directly involved in the war, and dozens who give public ultra-militaristic sermons, the responsibility has recently been explicitly confirmed by the Imam of this kufr, Gundyaev, known as Patriarch Kirill.

On April 3, during a sermon in the Main Cathedral of the Armed Forces of Russia (it should be noted that the Main Cathedral of the «multi-confessional» Armed Forces of Russia is officially the Orthodox Church), he explicitly stated: «… I am here today, in this cathedral, celebrating the Divine Liturgy, to meet with representatives of our Armed Forces, to address them, and through them to all our Army, Navy, and all defenders of the Motherland, so that they understand the historical significance of the current moment».

He then called on Russian servicemen «to be faithful to their oath» and «to sacrifice their lives for their friends. It is worth noting that all of this took place against the backdrop of emerging evidence of the massacre of civilians by these same Russian military personnel in the suburbs of Kyiv (

The majority of the victims were Orthodox, most likely parishioners of the Moscow Patriarchate, i.e., Kirill’s flock. And yet, while the Pope delivered several sermons mourning the victims and declaring that he considered himself partly responsible for their tragedy, their spiritual shepherd did not utter a single word for them.

Instead, he addressed words of support to their executioners and called for the continuation of their dark deeds.

There is no doubt that today, along with the entire «Russian World» project, we are witnessing the demise of its centerpiece, the ROC deputy.

Even Ukrainian priests and parishioners, who until now recognized the ROC MP and its Patriarch and considered it the «canonical church,» are leaving it, and it is ceasing its activities in Ukraine, transforming itself into a church of the occupied territories, an occupying church.

Foreign parishes are also leaving the ROC MP, and the question of dissolving the union between the ROC MP and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) is on the agenda.

Moreover, within Russia itself, an increasing number of Orthodox Christians, for whom Christianity and not the «Russian world» is their religion, find themselves at odds with this church.

Therefore, it is obvious that the ROC MP will not survive the current regime, and in its present form it will cease to exist along with it, while the Orthodox Church will undergo significant changes and lose its dominant position in society.

Who will fill this vacuum? Unfortunately, everything has been done to ensure that it cannot be filled by Islam, as independent preachers of Islam have been completely eliminated in Putin’s Russia, and official Islamic institutions have discredited themselves no less than the ROC MP.

Therefore, in the event of the collapse of Putinism and in the territories liberated from it, it is very likely that in addition to the rise of atheism due to the disillusionment of many with religion, there will be a strengthening of the positions of the Catholic Church, Protestant denominations, and new religious movements.

In such a situation, Muslims need to think primarily about how to preserve the position of Islam in traditional Muslim territories under these conditions. But it is also necessary to think now about what message Islam could give to the rest of the territories of the present Russian Federation.

After all, Islam cannot be a religion limited to national territories; it must be preached to all people and nations. Insha’Allah, we will continue to discuss this topic.

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