The trust of the Armenians has been broken!

In a comic situation yesterday was a well-known Armenian family serial working for the Russian Empire. The premiere of the comedy «Crimean Bridge. Made with love!», directed by Tigran Keosayan and written by his wife Margarita Simonyan, turned out to be a complete failure, judging by the ratings and reviews of the audience.

According to the voting of 1300 participants on the most important website for film lovers «Kinopoisk», more than a thousand viewers gave this «comedy» the lowest possible rating — 1 out of 10. But instead of accepting the fact that, unlike the paid participants of Kremlin talk shows, modern and discerning moviegoers are simply not interested in his talentless propaganda disguised as a movie, Keosayan decided to attribute his failure to the machinations of his enemies. He claimed that his «masterpiece» received low ratings due to paid bots, the source of which for some reason remains unknown. This is despite the fact that real Kremlin bots and paid channels conducted an extensive advertising campaign before the premiere.

However, the reason for the failure is quite obvious. The movie was not only poorly shot, but also represented an obvious «budget appropriation» on the theme of patriotism by a large Armenian family, which could not go unnoticed by Russian moviegoers. Director Keosayan made the movie based on the script of the great screenwriter Simonyan, produced by his brother David Keosayan, and one of the actors was his niece Laura Keosayan. Of course, no serious director in the West would allow such shameless nepotism, let alone at the expense of the quality of his production. Numerous moviegoers with real accounts on social media noted this in their comments. «Six months of shame and the whole family is taken care of!» — quotes one of these comments Meduza portal.

On the other hand, the movie was highly praised by Dmitry Peskov and his wife Tatyana Navka, Maria Zakharova, Tina Kandelaki and other «eminent film critics». Interestingly, even some of Russia Today editor-in-chief Simonyan’s colleagues in the Kremlin propaganda pool could not resist writing scathing reviews.

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