They will go to the slaughter! Why and what to do?

Yesterday’s adoption of the law on the unified register of conscripts and electronic drafting became the main news for the whole country of Russia, as well as important news for those who are unfortunately connected with it. This includes Muslims living in Russia, millions of whom may be affected. But before discussing the practical aspects, it is impossible to ignore how once again Russian propaganda has demonstrated its deceitfulness by trying to present Russia (!) as a counterbalance to the trends of dictatorship prevailing in the world.

In particular, we are talking about the so-called «digital gulag», which is fully established in Russia with the adoption of these laws, so much so that «Gayropa» and «Eurosodom» can only «dream» of such a thing for now. Conscription notices in Russia will now not only be issued remotely and automatically/by default, but they will also block the sources of income of draft dodgers, including electronic forms of income tied to their digital identity, such as Yandex Taxi and other commercial online applications. Truly, while the rest of the world (except perhaps China) may only be considering doing something nasty, in Russia it is already being brought to life.

But let’s not dwell on what should be obvious. Let’s talk about other things that are literally vital. After all, in this case, the «digital gulag» is a means, not an end. The goal is to ensure the maximum number of cannon fodder for the slaughter, so that it becomes impossible to avoid this fate. Moreover, if anyone seriously believed that only contract soldiers and mobilized reservists would be sent to the slaughter, but not conscripts, then another change has recently been made for these naive people — the possibility of using conscripts in «peacekeeping operations». Do we need to explain what this means in practice in Russia’s current situation?

It is equally important to understand WHY this is happening, which will make it possible to understand WHAT is happening. Ukraine is completing preparations for a large-scale counteroffensive, in which it will use newly delivered Western weapons and new, fully equipped army corps. According to the forecasts of many Russian military analysts, this counteroffensive could lead to the collapse of the Russian fronts in Ukraine, the encirclement, destruction or capture of the occupying groups and a direct threat to the occupiers in Crimea, and possibly even a breakthrough of the Ukrainian army into the border areas of Russia.

Once, after the successful Ukrainian offensive near Kharkiv and in Kherson, the Kremlin solved the problem of filling the gaps in its defense with the first wave of mobilization and by collecting prisoners from all prisons. They were able to partially solve this problem, but at the cost of tens of thousands of deaths, after which they announced that they had no plans for new waves of mobilization. They did not plan it last time either, promising that only contract soldiers would fight in the «self-defense forces,» but then one day they decided to send hundreds of thousands of peaceful citizens to the slaughter. Now they are preparing to do the same, but on a larger scale, because the Ukrainian army, having accumulated weapons and mobilization resources, is now many times stronger. This means that more cannon fodder will be needed to hold them back, and therefore automatically more victims.

We will not ask you if you want to be among them — we hope that our readers do not have such a desire. Let’s not dampen our spirits with the fact that the window of opportunity to escape Russia is rapidly closing — let’s say «thank you» to all the «Muslim bloggers» who called for «no panic» when we and people like us immediately urged those who could not resist from within to flee wherever their eyes could see. We repeat that call now — if you can flee, flee; if you can’t flee but can hide, plan where you will hide and how you will survive during this time.
But we have to disappoint you — this won’t be a reliable solution because they will still be looking for you and everyone will be swept away. So what can be a solution to this problem? Only a MILITARY DEFEAT of Russia in this war, and that’s what we advise everyone to understand clearly. Not Russia’s retreat to launch an offensive, not the freezing of the conflict, which will thaw again — only a convincing and undeniable defeat of the Russian army with its humiliating retreat, which will morally and politically destroy this regime, lead to its crisis and ultimately to its removal, will be the solution to this problem.
And why is that? Because only after that the war laws will be abolished, and after that, as a result of the beginning of political changes, repressive laws will probably be abolished as well, and political prisoners can be released, which, together with the holding of free elections, will be demanded by the winners from the new Russian government. Until recently, this scenario was perceived by many as chaos threatening the stability that, if not prosperity, at least provided security and sustenance. Now, however, it is clear that THAT stability is guaranteed to lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of people, including you or your loved ones. This means that any political change that prevents this, even if it is accompanied by instability, is a lesser evil.
And now we are not talking about politics, but purely human affairs. Someone might ask, «Suppose I am just a drop in the ocean, how can I affect this? You can, because that ocean is made up of individual drops. And if this attitude is formed at the level of individual drops, it will determine the character of the whole ocean. It was the same in 1917 when the unwillingness of Russian soldiers and sailors to fight in World War I led to the collapse of the fronts and people going home, and neither the government nor the officers could stop it.
In this sense, there is special hope for Muslims and other «ethnic nationalists,» including those who are called to the front, because there is not much hope for Russians — they will hold out until the end. But if tomorrow the Ahmeds go to the front, the Ivans can support them, and that’s when the desired result will be achieved by a chain reaction. Therefore, first of all, get rid of the feeling of hopelessness yourself and instill it in your acquaintances. There is a way out of this situation, but there is only one — TOTAL DEFEAT OF RUSSIA, which should be facilitated by all possible methods, from armed or civilian resistance to avoiding conscription and spreading anti-war sentiments and ideas. That’s how we will win. And they will lose. Amen.

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