When will the Muslims of Russia be able to rise up?!

The Mufti of Ukraine, Said Ismagilov, has appealed to Muslims in Russia, urging them not only not to participate in the war against Ukraine, but also to rise up and start a liberation movement in their own regions. Sheikh Said believes that now is the opportune time to do so, as all Russian forces are concentrated in Ukraine.
From our perspective, we would like to join this call, but we understand that it is currently unrealistic. Not only because Russia still has enough punitive forces within its borders, and the Kremlin is reluctant to fully expose its rear, preferring to send cannon fodder from Syria to Ukraine.
However, the main reason why this is currently impossible, and it must be honestly admitted, is the total brainwashing of the Russians in general, and the population of the Muslim regions in particular. What is happening to the Russians is a separate conversation, although it is worth noting that there are at least timid attempts to protest among them, made by people driven by conscience rather than empty stomachs.
As for the situation of the Muslim peoples of Russia, it is due to the fact that the Kremlin and its punitive forces have been suppressing the active forces within them for decades. This includes not only the bloody suppression in two wars and the subsequent terror in Chechnya, but also the transfer of this terror to the entire Caucasus, then to other Muslim regions of Russia, and finally to the Muslims within its own borders.
This is what we have been writing about for years, but the consequences of which many outside Russia simply did not realize. By the way, it should be said that while this should in no way be a cause for celebration, as Ukraine currently deserves unconditional support and solidarity, the authorities in Russia did nothing to enable Muslims in Russia to rise up, even after Russia attacked Ukraine in 2014.
On the contrary, for years afterward, Russian Muslims who sought asylum on Ukrainian territory were deported back to Russia, including those who fought on the side of Ukraine. Not to mention that there was no effort to create liberation centers in Chechnya, Dagestan, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and other regions, to train personnel, etc. on Ukrainian territory.
Again, this is not an excuse or a way to shift the blame to Ukraine and its Muslims, who deserve full support. This is an explanation of why it is currently impossible for anyone to rise up — those who could have done so were eliminated during years of repression and received no support to regroup and recover, while those who remained are broken.
In general, both Ukrainians and Russians need to understand that the Kremlin is waging a war against Ukraine specifically to do to Ukrainians what it has already done to Russians — to break them. Therefore, the Russians who have not yet been broken must unconditionally support the resistance of the Ukrainians, and the Ukrainians in turn must understand that they will only be able to gain allies in Russia if they collectively break Mordor in such a way that the program implanted in the minds of its slaves — the slave-seyans — begins to break down.
Most likely, this will not happen through a mass awakening of conscience, for which there is little hope, but through empty stomachs, fear, and disillusionment with their crumbling idols — the great power, the national leader, and so on. Then the brainwashed slave-seyans among the Muslim peoples will begin to remember that they are the sons and daughters of their Muslim peoples, not citizens of some other fallen «great country».

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