Why are Russian Muslims dying in Ukraine in droves? Is it for the «Holy Rus» of Patriarch Kirill?

Here is the English translation of the text:



This is the kind of «da’wah» that our brainless compatriots in Ukraine are doing now, risking their lives that Allah has entrusted to them. And for which they will be questioned, both for what they are doing now. But for a long time now they have not only been «risking» — coffins with killed soldiers have already been sent in abundance to Muslim regions of Russia.

From intercepted audio recordings it follows that the 1st and 2nd Kadyrov squads have been destroyed, except for the surviving 8 people. Today, the independent Ingush newspaper Fortanga reported a column of Russian soldiers from Ingushetia shot dead, in addition to the 12 killed yesterday.

Officially, the first victims were confirmed by the authorities of Kabardino-Balkaria and Dagestan, Muslim social media users report on the funerals that have arrived in Tatar and Bashkir families.

In general, as investigative journalist Hristo Grozev noted today, among the approximately 4,000 destroyed «rabseyans» according to his data, a disproportionate number are «representatives of non-Slavic ethnic groups.»

Grozev links this to the fact that soldiers from remote regions of the country are deliberately thrown into the meat grinder to avoid provoking outrage in the capitals. To put it simply, they are throwing non-Russian cannon fodder into the meat grinder that the Empire needs. Someone would say it is to protect the lives of Russians, but rather because there is simply not enough Russian cannon fodder at the rate of Russian decline and degeneration as the main waste of the Empire in this prison of nations.

So why are the children of Muslim parents in Ukraine paying with their lives? We will tell you — so that Putin and Patriarch Kirill (Gundyayev) can realize their dream of reviving the Orthodox Empire of «Holy Russia». In which Muslims will either be baptized or remain in the position of powerless pagans, as they will be considered, no matter what they sacrifice for this state.

No, this is not an exaggeration. After all, Putin and Patriarch Kirill are not interested in today’s Russia, which has many Muslim republics and clearly lacks Russians, as can be seen from the lists of the deceased. That is why they want to capture tens of millions more Orthodox Slavs, as well as the centers of «Russian Orthodoxy». In other words, the Muslims of Russia are fighting to worsen their situation in this prison of nations!

This is the truth about the role and sacrifices of Muslims in this war. Spread it so that people know what awaits their loved ones there and what they can die for!

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