Why do the Armenian propagandists need the «Bashkir Battalion»?

Last week, the shameless people who call themselves the leadership of Bashkortostan, with the participation of military «veterans of hot spots», announced the creation of a volunteer battalion named after General Shaymuratov, which is supposed to go and fight against Ukraine. We would not have written about this shameful event if we had not noticed yesterday the PR of this issue by a number of propagandists, some of whom fell into the trap, including members of some normal Turkish groups. In particular, a photo of two of these alternatively gifted National Guard soldiers with fox tails on their helmets, but from a different angle, appeared in these groups as an advertisement for their presence in the Turkish war. So, look at this photo already to understand who is promoting these «Turks» and think about why he is doing it.

For those who do not know, in the center of the photo is the famous cotton and at the same time Armenian-Dashnak propagandist Semen Pegov, known for his fervent anti-Turkish propaganda. It was he who posted a photo of these «Bashkir warriors» yesterday, which was picked up by the propagandists of the corresponding circle. And now let’s consider whether such coincidences are coincidental.

It is known that the «Shaymuratov Battalion» is a personal initiative of Moscow’s representative in Bashkortostan, Radiya Khabirov. Not only is he married to Karine Avetisyan, but he also boasts that his children from this marriage are being raised as Christians (https://golosislama.com/news.php?id=35262). The influence of his wife on Khabirov is also indicated by the fact that after his appointment to the post in Bashkortostan, the positions of the Armenian lobby were significantly strengthened and many new Armenians appeared. And the Bashkir public figure Ramila Saitova was sentenced to three years in prison for publicly asking where and why all these Armenians came to Russia. And now Khabirov’s project is being promoted by the Armenian propagandist Pegov. But let’s leave aside conspiracy theories.

Whoever created and promoted this «Bashkir Battalion», the goal of this PR is to tarnish the name of the Bashkir people in this war. To this end, videos are being made showing Bashkir manikins abusing Ukrainian prisoners and forcing them to shout «Praise be to Bashkortostan». Moreover, we remind you that under Khabirov, in addition to Ramila Saitova, the ideologist and one of the leaders of the Bashkir national movement Ayrat Dilmukhametov was sentenced to 9 years in a maximum security colony, whose case we have written about several times.

And since 2013, he has unequivocally and openly supported Ukraine in its struggle for freedom and, moreover, considered this struggle an example to be followed. But under Khabirov, the largest Bashkir national organization, Bashkort, was banned, and its leaders either faced criminal charges or were forced to leave Russia. One of them was Ruslan Gabasov, who moved to Lithuania and founded the Bashkir National Political Center (BashNatsPol) to continue the Bashkir national liberation struggle. In particular, this organization established close ties with Ukrainian allies, seeing Ukraine as a beacon for the enslaved peoples of Russia.

Judging by the attack on Gabasov, who began to be portrayed as a «Bashkir Bandera,» and threats of the same fate as his predecessor (killed in Munich by a Soviet terrorist), the efforts of Moscow’s security officials and their Manchurian-Armenian representatives to bridge the gap between the peoples of Russia and Ukraine have not gone unnoticed. Apparently, this is why they have decided to discredit the Bashkir people in the eyes of Ukrainian society.

Therefore, we ask our readers not to fall for these provocations themselves and, if possible, to expose them among their acquaintances, explaining that the so-called «Bashkir Battalion» in Ukraine is a Mancurtian anti-Turkish project, while the Bashkir national movement stands on the side of the Ukrainian people.

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