Will Ramzan Kadyrov Destroy Russia?

The fantastic success of the Ukrainian army and the failure of the Russian military-political leadership on the front lines in Ukraine, celebrated even with a salute timed to Moscow Day (which is deeply interested in what happens beyond its borders), has left the «Russian patriots» in deep dismay.

Ramzan Kadyrov could not stay on the sidelines either, as he has been trying to play the role of one of Russia’s main «patriots» since the beginning of this war. Fortunately, after the beginning of the «special operation» he already declared it as the «second concrete» and «third effective» stage. Presumably, the Russian army was supposed to take not only Warsaw, but at least Kyiv. Instead, it is currently retreating from Balakliia, Kupian’sk and Izium, and in some areas has even reached the official state border with Russia. With the prospect of continuing its «reverse offensive».

Ramzan Kadyrov commented on all this as follows: «I am not a strategist like in the Ministry of Defense. Mistakes were made… When you tell the truth to someone’s face, they may not like it. But I like to tell the truth… If there are no changes in the conduct of the special military operation today or tomorrow, I will be forced to address the country’s leadership and the Ministry of Defense to explain to them the situation on the ground».

In addition to addressing the leadership of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense to «clarify the situation,» he also promised to meet with Russian military correspondents who have openly reported on the catastrophe that has occurred with the Russian army and the complete ineptitude of the military and political command: «We will meet with military correspondents in the near future and explain to them what patriotism means. Patriots should not be offended if someone has done something wrong. We must unite the people around us. And in the end he assured his readers that «Russia will win. NATO’s weapons will be suppressed by the spirit of our fighters. The hands and feet of the NATO devils are already trembling».

There is no particular need to comment on all this, but perhaps it is worth commenting on the hopes that some «patriots» and their «Muslim» variants are placing in the appointment of Ramzan Kadyrov either as the head of the Russian National Guard or as the head of the Defense Ministry, and in their boldest dreams — as Putin’s successor in the future.

We have already written on this subject, namely that the Russian authorities can only rely on Muslims, or those who position themselves as Muslims, in one case — when they are already irreversibly sinking. And this would mean that they would drag along those who decide to patch up the holes in this sinking ship instead of getting into a lifeboat. But the point is that no matter how much some Muslims hope for the opposite, the transition of the leadership of Russian law enforcement agencies to demonstratively non-Russian individuals will only accelerate the processes of their disintegration.

Those who draw an analogy with Georgia’s Stalin or Germany’s Catherine II fail to understand one important point. Neither the first nor the second ruled over Georgia or Germany, did not emphasize their Georgian or German identity, and relied mainly on the personnel of the «state-forming nation». On the other hand, the attitude towards someone like Beria or Biron was completely different, because they were clearly non-Russians and gathered their compatriots around them, thus turning the national majority against them.

For this reason, although Shoygu’s failures are always remembered, the fact that he is a Tuvan does not play a significant role, because he is only half Tuvan, baptized, fully Russianized, and surrounded himself with Russians and other «Russianized» individuals like Evkurov. But if the leadership of the Russian National Guard, the Ministry of Defense, or even Russia as a whole comes under the control of a demonstratively foreign clan, the reaction will be the opposite of what the «patriots» expect.

Therefore, from the perspective of the collapse of the Putin system, one can only dream of Ramzan Kadyrov taking over the leadership of some Russian security structure and his people becoming the new «paramilitary units» against the «wanies» [derogatory term for Russians], roles they have already played on occasion. The only downside to this situation would be that when everything finally falls apart and this camarilla [clique] is overthrown, they will try to shift the responsibility for their policies onto the Russian Orthodox Church and the Federal Security Service (FSB), who have been oppressing Muslims for decades and continue to do so, portraying them as the ones who «conquered» Russia.

And for this reason alone, we do not want this Mordor-like horde to be associated with anything remotely resembling Islam. But only what Allah has ordained will happen. And it is in Him that we place our trust.

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