Muslims in Russia under attack by coronavirus?

The Mufti of Ingushetia, Abdurakhman Martazanov (pictured), who died and was buried last Saturday, became the first prominent religious figure of the Muslim community in Russia and the country as a whole to die from the coronavirus. Symbolically, the mufti became the first Muslim in Ingushetia to be buried according to his own instructions, which were issued during the coronavirus epidemic — to wash the bodies of the deceased in specially equipped premises, while observing sanitary measures, instead of doing so in homes. It is reported that the Mufti had previously called on the faithful and residents to strictly adhere to precautionary measures in these new circumstances, including limiting gatherings at funerals and mourning events, postponing weddings, and so on. He did what he had to do, and by Allah’s will, his activities in this field will benefit others, but he was destined to end his earthly journey due to the illness from which he tried to protect others. Truly, we all belong to our Lord, and to Him we shall return.

Another well-known Muslim figure in Russia, Bahrom Khamroev (pictured below), who according to his family has also contracted the coronavirus, is apparently recovering more easily and at home. «Today is the 12th day of illness and the 9th day of treatment in the hospital for Bahrom Khamroev. The cough has significantly decreased, the temperature fluctuates between 36.0 and 38.0, and the general condition is much better,» his wife Zuhra Khamroeva wrote on his Facebook yesterday. Moreover, having seen the «glory and poverty» of Russian medicine during her husband’s hospitalization (glory — the selfless dedication of medical workers, poverty — equipment and organization), she revealed another propaganda lie of the authorities regarding their support. «The loud order of our president to pay lifetime bonuses to the medical workers fighting against the corona virus has annulled their additional payments and bonuses. The medical workers are outraged by yet another lie from the unchanging authorities. There is always either a lack of payment or a cut. They add from one end and cut from the other. That’s the state of mind of our brave medical workers today,» Khamroeva said.

The state of Russian health care, especially in Moscow, shocked the well-known Russian politician and journalist Maxim Shevchenko, who occasionally draws attention to the problems of Muslims, and who was hospitalized with bilateral pneumonia. Believing that he was indeed infected with the coronavirus, Shevchenko told how he managed to avoid a fatal outcome at the last minute by fighting against the indifference of the state health system. «During these 10 days I understood everything about health care in the Russian Federation. I can tell you that getting a test for the coronavirus is more difficult than asking Putin a question on the direct line. That is, you have to break through to get these tests. They keep pushing you away. In the end, I was tested. Just like a law-abiding citizen, when I had a fever, I immediately called for an ambulance. They tried to dissuade me: ‘Why do you need that? You have ARI, ARD. Your district doctor can take care of it. The doctor came the next day. It was last Tuesday. She said, ‘Yes, most likely it’s an acute respiratory infection. It will pass soon. Then, when the fever reached 39 degrees on the fifth day, I called the ambulance, and finally I managed to get tested — but I never got an answer about the test, neither positive nor negative. It’s been 72 hours for the glorious Sobyanin. And then I realized that it was all over, so to speak… maybe I would be released. And I intelligently decided to go and get a blood test. Obviously, no one would come to my house to do this analysis. I went to a private clinic nearby… there is a very good one on Arbat Street that did it immediately, and to a private clinic also near me, in Bolshoy Vlasievsky, where they did a CT scan and immediately said, «You have bilateral pneumonia. But before that nobody had heard of it. They all said, ‘Your lungs are clear, clear lungs. They immediately called an ambulance when they saw such inflammation in the lungs, such pneumonia at this temperature…». Shevchenko confessed.

Yesterday the journalist decided to share his impressions and recommendations with his followers. We present them below, joining his advice to take his health seriously, given as a trust to believers:

«Today I feel a little better. And that’s why I want to share some important information with you. Several of my tests showed nothing, but I have no doubt that I had and still have COVID-19, which turned into severe pneumonia.

I have never experienced anything like this in my life — 14 days with a temperature of 38-39 degrees! It even reached 40 degrees.

But the mornings, starting at 38.3, were unbearable.

A miracle saved me — my friend who works in a virology institute said that only a CT scan would show this pneumonia. And that’s exactly what happened.

For the first 8 days I had no cough or runny nose. Just excruciating body aches. And wandering pains all over my body.

The doctors insisted that it was an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI).

The tests showed nothing. These tests have a very high error rate; they cannot be relied upon. The cost is your life.

So know that as soon as a combination of symptoms appears: fever, body aches, even in the absence of a cough — it is guaranteed to be COVID-19.

Without panicking, seek medical attention and go to a hospital, preferably a specialized one.

It will save your life. If you recognize and acknowledge the disease in time, it will not become so serious.

Local doctors and even ambulances (they all insist on tests) are not prepared for this disease.

They helplessly repeat some nonsense about ‘ARI has not been declared’.

And in the hospital corridors there are crowds of people with pneumonia. That pneumonia is the coronavirus!

Do a full blood test and CT scan immediately, and take antiviral drugs to slow the development of this disease.

Where did I catch this beast? Somewhere on the street in downtown Moscow. I was careful, washed my hands, wore a mask.

But it only took a moment — and that was it.

I found out that the Mufti of Ingushetia, Abdurakhman Martazanov, died of pneumonia. It is bitter news.

Many are dying — until doctors learn to take responsibility for this disease, instead of shifting it to abstract tests, this will continue.

Be vigilant. Take care of yourselves.

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