Who romanticizes violence, Mr. Silantyev?

Roman Silantyev, the «old friend» of Russian Muslims (https://golosislama.com/news.php?id=31080), expressed concern about their spontaneous reaction in solidarity with Ramil Shamsutdinov, who could not tolerate the systematic abuse he faced in the military unit and ended up shooting 8 of his fellow soldiers (https://golosislama.com/news.php?id=37434).

«I am seriously concerned about the campaign of some Muslim activists to romanticize Shamsutdinov, the soldier who shot his colleagues in the Transbaikal region,» the well-known Islamic scholar said yesterday. He compared it to the romanticization of the mass murder in the USA known as «Columbine»:

«Now I see that they are trying to create a military ‘Columbine,’ an army ‘Columbine,’ justifying in advance the killers who, because of real or perceived slights, now have the right to take revenge on their colleagues.»

Well, let’s discuss the romanticization of killing that leads to such acts of revenge. A year ago, when the Kerch school mass shooting occurred, we noted that the «Kerch shooter» was a fan not only of Harris and Klebold from Columbine, but also of Vladimir Putin and the «Russian world» (https://golosislama.com/news.php?id=35237).

By the way, Ramil Shamsutdinov, whom many Muslims (and not only them) supported because of his name and surname, is also a product of the same «Russian world» and not of Islamic education. Judge for yourself — for many years the young man dreamed of going to a military school and then joining the Russian army, which is unthinkable for any conscious Muslim and any reasonable person.

We wouldn’t write about it, but since the information has reached the media, it is worth mentioning that the young man’s mother died due to problems caused by chronic alcoholism, which is certainly not indicative of an Islamic way of life. No, we don’t want to distance ourselves from him in this way or worsen his already unenviable situation, we just want to point out to Silantyev, who is one of the high-ranking representatives of the «Russian world» (he is part of the leadership of the World Russian People’s Council, let’s remind), that this young man and his actions are the product of their propaganda, not Muslims.

For many years they have been spreading a militaristic frenzy, telling from all screens that there are enemies everywhere, that today we need guns, not butter. They introduce military training in schools and regularly organize militarized shows there, which include the true romanticization of killing. Ramil Shamsutdinov, like Yaroslav Roslyakov before him, is a product of this propaganda and the atmosphere created in society by Silantyev and his associates.

But they are making a serious mistake. Just as it is unthinkable to confront the whole world and rush to Syria, Libya, Africa, etc. with a country that lacks medicine, education, economy and demography, it is also unacceptable to promote militarism when the army itself breaks its own soldiers and humiliates their dignity. Vladislav Roslyakov passionately supported the arrival of the «Russian world» in his native Crimea, but after living there for 4 years, he lost his mind and shot his classmates. Ramil Shamsutdinov also responded to the call of the «Russian world» to serve it, but after experiencing the realities of this service, he shot 8 of his fellow soldiers in 4 months.

So maybe it’s not about romanticizing «Columbine», Mr. Silantyev? (In the photo — Shamsutdinov before joining the Russian army and already in it)

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