In the recent presidential election in France, Emmanuel Macron positioned himself as a respectable alternative to the extremist Marine Le Pen. But do their...
Prominent American Senator Marco Rubio, representing the Republican Party, and his colleague Christopher Coons, representing the Democratic Party in the Senate, have launched an...
The intrigue surrounding the Israeli election results, which we wrote about a month ago (, continued to unfold yesterday. Israeli President Reuven Rivlin announced...
The 6-hour meeting between Erdogan and Putin yesterday and the Memorandum of Understanding signed as a result allow us to finalize our preliminary conclusions...
The public is discussing the changes that have occurred in the so-called Human Rights Council under the Russian president (a funny name, isn’t it?)....
Russia 24 conducted another session of intimidating its viewers. Moreover, this time two favorite ingredients of the Chekist alarmist propaganda — Ukrainians and Muslims...
The first week of the promising «Fountain of Peace» operation in northeastern Syria has passed, allowing for preliminary conclusions about its results and prospects....