Potemkin PR by «Muslim public figures»?

Earlier we wrote about the adventures of a number of «Muslim activists» in Mariupol, who essentially arrived there with the convoy of the occupation group (https://golosislama.com/news.php?id=40606). By the way, there were no clear public goals for this delegation, expressed by its leadership. And this is understandable — most likely, their «sponsors» forced them to take this action, just as «Muslim spiritual leaders» were forced to accept the «shameful fatwa» on their behalf (https://golosislama.com/news.php?id=40536).

Nevertheless, in an emotional video (https://youtu.be/uZIISUEcBtg), one of them passionately defended their visit to Mariupol as being of great benefit to Muslims, outweighing any harm. Specifically, they were able to contact Adam Delimkhanov on the spot and inform him about the mistreatment of fasting Muslim prisoners in the Dimitrovgrad colony (https://golosislama.com/news.php?id=40607). He then called their leader, had a tough talk with him, and the problem was solved. This is the kind of benefit that «pragmatists» and «realists» bring to Muslims who know how to do business in Russia — not like those «foreign losers and envious people» who are only capable of talking!

And here we will not even ask the obvious question, why, in the era of cell phones and messengers, they had to go with Delimkhanov to the front in Mariupol to inform him about the abuses in one of the Russian colonies. The answer to this question is obvious (no reason), especially considering that at the time of their departure these «activists» did not know about it and learned about it only there from social networks, thanks to the «foreigner» Osechkin from Gulagu.net.

The main question is different — was this problem really solved by this phone call, and are such problems generally solved in this way? This is what Vladimir Osechkin, who spread this information, writes about it tonight:

«The hunger strike against torture in the prison of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Ulyanovsk region continues…

So, the «pragmatists» and «realists» who claim to know how to solve the problems of Muslims in Russia are told that their methods of solving problems do not work. And they are invited to divert their attention from storming Mariupol or whatever they are currently storming and come to a place where oppressed Muslims really need them.

By the way, this would be a good test of the idea of another «Muslim public figure», according to which active participation in Putin’s «infantry» war will strengthen their positions in the system and allow them to solve the problems of Muslims. But there are great doubts that they would be as eager to protect the oppressed Muslims under the repressive system as they are ready to fight for the goals of the «Russian world». After all, their real role within the system is the latter. And for Muslims, a Potemkin PR that «Muslim activists» will always present to them will suffice.

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