Priyogin vs. Kadyrov — 1:0. What should we think about?

possibly other minority groups) at stake.

In his blog post, Prigozhin starts by acknowledging the public attention the conflict has garnered, stating that many people have been discussing it and sharing their opinions. He claims that he had no intention of engaging in a public dispute, but circumstances pushed him to respond.

Prigozhin then proceeds to provide his version of events, accusing Kadyrov’s deputies of spreading false information and manipulating the narrative. He argues that his team were merely defending themselves and their actions in the face of these accusations.

Next, Prigozhin delves into the history of the conflict, referencing the First Chechen War, which took place in the 1990s. He highlights the sacrifices made by the Russian military during that time and indicates that his team’s involvement in Chechnya is motivated by a desire to prevent a repeat of the past.

Moving on, Prigozhin asserts that his team’s actions in Chechnya have not been met with the understanding and support they deserve. He criticizes the lack of recognition for their efforts and states that they have been unjustly portrayed as provocateurs and aggressors.

Prigozhin concludes his commentary by expressing his hope for a resolution and reconciliation between the involved parties. He emphasizes the need for unity and cooperation, particularly given the delicate nature of the situation involving millions of Muslims and potentially other minority groups.

In summary, Prigozhin’s blog post provides his perspective on the conflict with Kadyrov’s deputies, emphasizing the importance of accurate information, defending his team’s actions, and urging for unity moving forward.

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