Truce instead of peace: why can’t we fall into their trap?

On Orthodox Christmas, Kremlin propaganda is doing its best to present the humiliation of its leader (called «pahan» by Margarita Simonyan) as a victory. They say that the leader, as an exemplary Christian, immediately declared a ceasefire upon Patriarch Kirill’s call for Orthodox Christmas, while Zelensky and his Satanists, Nazis and drug addicts demonstratively refused to accept this goodwill gesture. This situation is typical of Russia, where someone out of nowhere randomly hits a passerby in the face and then, after receiving a well-deserved response, starts pretending to be friendly. And they are outraged that people don’t want to be friends with them.

But seriously, the essence of the ritualistic, magical «Christianity» of the «Russian world» is to stop killing co-religionists for two days, only to resume later with renewed vigor. Isn’t it closer to the teachings of Jesus, peace be upon him, for the official Kiev to say, «Get your occupying forces out of Ukraine, and there will be no two-day ceasefire, but peace»? And until that happens, there should be no hypocritical ceasefires during holidays that simulate compassion.

One might ask, however, why the Ukrainian leadership, in its current positions, refuses to engage in peaceful negotiations and a sustainable ceasefire? And why do we support them, even though we understood the decision of the Syrian rebels and their ceasefire with the Assad regime mediated by Turkey in the past on these existing positions?

The situation of the Syrian rebels, the Ichkerians who signed the Hasavyurt agreement and the Tajik opposition who sought a ceasefire with the Rahmon regime was fundamentally different. In all these cases, they were acting under conditions where internal resources were exhausted and there was no external support. And in those circumstances, it was really better to get something than to continue to lose.

In the case of Ukraine, for the first time in a long time, we have a situation where the victim of Russian aggression has received unprecedented support from the entire civilized world. So, yes, Ukraine is suffering significant losses, and the Ukrainian people are suffering hardships, but if they don’t take advantage of this support now, grit their teeth, and bring the matter to a conclusion, there may not be another chance like this. Not just for Ukraine, but for all the victims of this empire’s aggression.

If Putin gets a reprieve now, which is what he wants, discussions and disagreements will immediately begin in the West, and possibly in Ukraine itself, about whether to continue helping Ukraine, or whether it is better to agree to some compromise in order to preserve a fragile peace. And then it will indeed turn out that the aggressive thug who successfully snatched a banknote from the victim’s pocket during an assault, but then refused to take out the wallet after encountering resistance, will be left with the banknote by the victim, the police, and the witnesses who decided to end the fight. The question is, what is the likelihood that the thug will repeat the same act with the same or a different victim next time?

Currently, we have a unique situation where both the victim and the police and witnesses, realizing this, have decided to give this repeat offender a worthy resistance. Specifically, to ensure that he returns all that was taken from his wallet, to compensate the victim for the damage he has caused, to lay down the weapon with which he is threatening others, and then to face the punishment for what he has done (to condemn the organizers and propagandists of the war and the war criminals, to be more precise).

However difficult it may be and whatever the painful price may be, today the Ukrainian people realize that this problem can only be solved without passing it on to future generations. And their allies are ready to help them — for once…

Therefore, no more hypocritical ceasefires until there is real peace.

A just and guaranteed triumph of good over evil.

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