Who is Silantyev, who is discovered by the Russian society?

The name that many Muslims have forgotten (and some do not even know), but has become one of the most discussed in recent days is Roman Silantyev. This is because he prepared a report accusing director Evgeniya Berkovich and playwright Svetlana Petrychuk of justifying terrorism.

The scoundrel managed to combine what was pleasant for him with what was useful for his clients. It all started with a pretext — the artists were accused of justifying terrorism because of their play about Russian girls’ love for Muslim volunteers, whom the authorities call terrorists because they went to Syria for jihad instead of serving in the national army.

The second reason is that in this case it was used as a pretext to take revenge on Berkovich for her current anti-war position regarding Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Now Berkovich is facing a real prison sentence, and she will be tried essentially for condemning the Russian war against Ukraine, but formally for justifying «Muslim terrorists». And she, a cultural figure, will have to await her trial in pre-trial detention, where she has already been sent.

Now the Russian public is asking who this scoundrel Roman Silantyev is, who wrote an incriminating report that threatens Berkovich with a long prison sentence. And we will tell them. The main thing you need to know about Silantyev, you will learn from the material we prepared in 2017 under the title «Silantyev’s List» and published on our website https://golosislama.com/news.php?id=31080.

Those who read it carefully, at least the most important parts, will understand that we are not talking about an ordinary informer or a tabloid writer, but about an ideologue of mass repression, including blatantly unlawful acts such as extrajudicial killings. There is only one nuance — until recently he openly called for and actively participated in these repressions against a particular social group that did not enjoy the sympathy of liberal Russians — the conscious Muslims of this country.

Although, in reality, Silantyev did not neglect other groups even then, especially the Russian Orthodox Church, whose official position he holds within its structure. In other words, Silantyev is a scout for repression in the interests of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, heading the Human Rights Center of the World Russian People’s Assembly, which is the official «public wing» of this supposedly religious organization.

And in this capacity, he has facilitated and continues to facilitate interaction between the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and the FSB and other Russian security forces. In short, Silantyev is not an ordinary informer, but a high-ranking scout and servant of the Moscow priests, secret police and law enforcement officers, in other words, the whole gang that rules Russia with their active or passive consent.

We’re writing all this with one goal in mind — so that in the future, when it’s time to call them to account for their actions, no one will say, «But he just wrote an expert opinion. No, not just. This person is an ideologue and an active participant in mass repression, whose wheels he set in motion even when many, horrified by the fact that «it’s almost like the 1937 purge,» did not want to listen to what was happening to their fellow citizens.

And others even justified it, because even within the opposition, namely its openly Islamophobic part, there were those who tried to present Silantyev not as part of the Chekist priest-police pack, but almost as an «independent Islamic scholar».
Well, here you go, enjoy your «Islamic scholar» now. We hope that at least now his nature and role in the events will become clear not only to Muslims.

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