Why are Dagestanis being turned into zombies?! To drive them to slaughter?

Nearly a billion rubles will be allocated this year for the purchase of flags and other symbols for schools — to be precise, 971 million. «To allocate budgetary funds of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for provision in 2022 from the federal budget of subsidies to the budgets of regions for the purpose of equipping state and municipal educational institutions with state symbols of the Russian Federation in the amount of 970.92 million rubles,» the Government of the Russian Federation stated in a recent order.

It is pointless to ask why a whole billion is being allocated for state symbols in schools when many of them, especially in remote areas, lack the necessary resources. The answer is already clear — Mordor does not want children to receive knowledge in comfortable conditions that will allow them to develop harmoniously. Mordor needs brainwashed slaves, in the factory of which Russian schools will eventually be transformed.

But what is interesting is that of the 971 million allocated for the production of future slaves, over 10% is allocated to Dagestan — 107.5 million rubles. And there are no less than 85 so-called subjects of the Federation in Russia. These are cynically called ordinary imperial provinces in conditions where there are neither subjects nor federation. And if this amount is distributed according to their number, Dagestan should have received about one tenth of the funds allocated for the stupefaction of young Dagestanis. What are these priorities?

This becomes clear against the background of the latest news from Dagestan, which the local and central authorities are desperately trying to deny. Namely, that young Dagestanis are being rounded up not only by military commissariats, but also by police patrols, in order to send them to the war in Ukraine. Either by signing a contract, for which recruitment is carried out all over Mordor, or by conscription with subsequent stimulation/compulsion to sign a contract.

So the military leadership and local puppeteers are currently denying what is happening, claiming that multiple reports of these facts are fake. So what is the reality? According to our sources, not everyone is being targeted, but two categories — those with «legal» problems and draft dodgers. In addition, given the negative public reaction to the physical arrests of people on the streets, they are beginning to resort to propaganda and recruiting young boys and men through softer methods.

Silly propaganda is used, aimed at the gullible, claiming that real men are afraid of nothing, and if they are afraid to fight, then they are not men, but cowards. That is why Mordor had to eliminate the living call to the One God and replace it with the propagation of «coolness» and «gangsterism. For every monotheist understands that a Muslim man can and should be afraid, namely of Allah and His punishment. And if he fears Allah properly, he will not fear the tyrant and his servants, while the latter need everything to be the opposite.

But why such a priority specifically for Dagestan, as well as for a number of other non-Russian republics that are leading in recruiting cannon fodder? There is a version that Mordor is pitying the Russians, but when in its history has Russia ever pitied the Russians? If it had, it would not have ground them into mincemeat by the tens of millions in the last century alone.

And now there are critically few healthy and capable fighting men among them in the numbers required by the protracted war. And in Dagestan and some other republics there are many healthy, athletic young people who can become a source of problems at home, but will be very useful as cannon fodder. Therefore, brothers and sisters, readers, spread this information. Protect your families from fire, your children, neighbors, acquaintances from senseless deaths, disabilities and injuries.

Tell them that the information that Russia is winning the war and you can make good money without serious risks is an absolute lie. Russia is achieving small tactical successes at the cost of incredible losses by throwing cannon fodder at the enemy. Meanwhile, holding the defense in some places and tactically retreating in others, Ukraine accumulates operational reserves and begins to receive the weapons it needs for more effective defense and counterattack.

This means that new, even more difficult phases of the war are not far away. And with them, new waves of mobilization — young boys and men for the slaughter. Therefore, protect them from serving in the army when they are mature, and if you cannot protect them from listening to dumbing down propaganda at school, do explanatory work with them at home.

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