Will they not allow me to unite the Muslims again?

Russian patriots failed to incite «cosmonauts» against a mosque in Kotelniki when law enforcement officers attacked a new mosque in Dzerzhinsk, Moscow Region (https://youtu.be/ELYV_lJ6xiE). For Russian Muslims, especially on Fridays, this is a routine of life and nothing surprising. What is always surprising, however, is either the astonishing lack of understanding or the equally astonishing hypocrisy with which some «Russian Muslim activists» continue to comment on such law enforcement attacks against Muslims. Unfortunately, we cannot pass over Mukaddas Bibarsov, whom we have long respected, who this spring willingly decided to join the company of Russian «Muslim activists» who are accomplices in the Russian world’s aggression against Ukraine, including its Muslims (https://golosislama.com/news.php?id=41497).

In his statement on the law enforcement attack on the mosques in Kotelniki and Dzerzhinsk, Bibarsov said the following (https://t.me/Mbibars/2323):
«Today we are going through another period that demands unity, respect and mutual understanding from society. In these days, all groups of Russian society must be mobilized to support each other, help their neighbors, and protect their state. Relations between people and the state must be subordinated to the goal of unity and be based on reason and wisdom. Against the background of external threats, it is unacceptable to create or indulge in internal turmoil. To our great regret, in the past month Russian Muslims have been faced with an inexplicable challenge that may lead to serious social divisions and, more dangerously, conflicts between social groups and government authorities. And all this is happening against the backdrop of intensive work, including by Muslim religious leaders among the congregants of Russian mosques, aimed at strengthening civic self-awareness and zealous commitment to the protection of their country. We are talking about the sacrilegious, unfounded, blatantly rude and provocative disruption of Muslim worship on holy Fridays in the cities of Kotelnikovo and Dzerzhinsk».

Translated from the language of the khatibs into Russian — Russian khatibs are going to great lengths to convince Muslims to support the war against a country that has never harmed them, the same country that has oppressed, humiliated and treated them as «infidels», «heathens», «foreigners» for centuries, decades and right in front of their eyes. In order to achieve this almost impossible goal, they had to and still have to prove to Russian Muslims that they are not all of the above, but equal citizens and compatriots of the Russian world, and that their religion is part of those very «ties» and «traditional values» for which they shed blood in the «zone of special operations».

And if we use common sense, the state should have been interested in this, considering its need for cannon fodder from these very «primitives» against the backdrop of the lack of desire to fight for the Russian world among the «state-forming people» themselves. However, contrary to common sense, which it has never adhered to, this state, in the midst of war, demonstratively humiliates the religious sentiments of the second most populous and fastest growing religious confession in the country, thereby devaluing the efforts of its officials in chalmas and robes.

Well, we offer our condolences to the Khatibs and other Russian Muslims. As for the Muslims living in the country who, unlike those mentioned above, have not bound themselves to the Russian regime, we advise them to understand that for it they have always been, are, and will be an undesirable and alien element. And even if this understanding will not allow them to secure a comfortable and secure position, which is essentially impossible in a warring and raging state, it will at least give them an understanding of what they should do in it and what they must never do for its sake.

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