Who are the Satanists here?

The Kremlin’s «denazification and demilitarization» of Ukraine failed and was discarded by them, and now, unable to come up with anything better, they have announced a new goal of the massacre they have unleashed — «desatanization». Or, depending on the audience, «deshaitanization.» Several prominent regime officials have recently made similar statements, but our audience is surely interested in what one of them — Ramzan Kadyrov — said. Here are his words:

«Satanic democracy is when the rights of atheists are protected, but believers are insulted. Or when children are taken from traditional couples and given to same-sex families. Intentionally to same-sex families, not by chance. And in Europe they have swallowed it. They think it is modern, civilized. The more uninhibited the subject of ‘below the waist’, the better for them. But I see it as degradation and Satanism. And I would rather fight it there in its embryonic stage than allow this filth to encompass our homeland here.

No Muslim or Christian would really accept what Kadyrov described. But one question arises — what does this have to do with Ukraine? Where in Ukraine is there even one case like the one Kadyrov described, let alone a deliberate policy?

On the other hand, when we talk about uninhibitedness below or above the belt, we should not forget that under Ramzan Kadyrov, frequent guests in Chechnya have become prominent «cultural figures» who engage in exactly that. They include people like Sergei Zverev and Nikolai Baskov, who can hardly be called traditionalists. And even Gerard Depardieu, who was showered with all kinds of benefits at the expense of the budget, was not noticed in the fight for traditional values. Meanwhile, there are such people in France, even among Muslims, and they are under pressure. And if you really wanted to bring someone famous from the West and benefit them, what is the obstacle to doing it with French Muslims or even Christian dissidents, instead of «uninhibited below-the-belt ‘liberators'»?

When it comes to Chechnya, there is no need to talk about Russia as a whole. Many entertainment programs on Russian television, even during prime time, do not testify to the triumph of not only traditional values, but even traditional orientation over non-traditional orientation, quite the opposite.

And do not think that all this comes from «liberals» and «opponents of OUR». Anton Krasovsky, an employee of Russia Today (RT), who recently caused a scandal by calling for the burning and drowning of Ukrainian children and was promptly fired (but forgiven by his boss), never hid his orientation or the fact that he contracted AIDS because of it. A normal example of traditional values for the younger generations on state television and at the expense of the state.

And he is not alone there — at one time RT worked closely with a gay and feminist audience, attracting people like Krasovsky, Baronova and Vinokurova, who fought for «progressive values» and against «Islamization», both in Russia, where it was associated with Habib Nurmagomedov, and throughout the West, where Islamophobic sentiments were inflamed and Islamophobes were supported.

And by the way, while we are on the subject, one of the first ideologists of the war against Ukraine for «Russian lands» (hello, what has Islam got to do with it?) was a person who became known throughout Russia and the world for a story in which he described in detail how he satisfied a black man in America — Edward Limonov. He started in Russian politics as an oppositionist, eventually came to praise the regime that adopted his ideas, and became a frequent and popular guest on RT.

So who exactly decided to fight what here? And how? If you want to fight for traditional values in Russia, why bomb Ukraine? You should have put your own house in order, set an example for others and make your country attractive, and healthy forces in other countries would have supported you, including Ukraine. By the way, once, in the mid-2000s, the current leader of the Ukrainian Christian-Muslim «Brotherhood» battalion, Dmitry Korchinsky, showed interest in Russia as a country with potential resistance to those unhealthy tendencies in the West described by Kadyrov. But when he arrived in Russia, he quickly realized what was what and understood that he was dealing with completely unprincipled individuals in the face of its ruling class. For them, the ideas they proclaim are merely a means to an end, and their goal is absolute power — within their country and beyond, over those who need to be bribed, recruited, intimidated, or destroyed. That is why the Kremlin has not hesitated to use both homosexuals and traditionalists, Islamophobes and Muslims, right-wingers and left-wingers, communists and monarchists at the same time. And now that the ground is slipping away from under its feet, it is clinging to anything it can.

Meanwhile, it is interesting to note who sees the «essence of Satanism» in Ukraine. Not Kadyrov, who frightens Muslims with homosexuals (how are Baskov and Zverev doing there?), but his Moscow bosses. According to the assistant to the secretary of the Russian Security Council, Alexei Pavlov, this «Satanism» manifests itself in the fact that in Ukraine «sects have flourished». Translated into Russian, in Putin’s Russia, at the instigation of the Russian Orthodox Church and its satellites, all religious organizations other than the official and pro-state ones are considered «sects» among state organizations. That is why in Russia not only Muslim jamaats are eradicated, not only Protestants and Jehovah’s Witnesses, but even Orthodox movements like Hegumen Sergei and his followers. In Ukraine, on the other hand, religions manifest themselves as living communities, be it Orthodox brotherhoods, Muslim jamaats, Protestant churches, Hasidic movements, etc. It is very important to understand one thing — in the modern world, where traditional values are really under aggressive attack from cultural liberalism, it is not the state and its hollowed-out religious organizations that can resist, but precisely such grassroots and independent religious communities. That is why, in reality, Ukraine is a much more religious country than Russia, where not only notorious homosexuals can express themselves, but also believers, including those who oppose their initiatives.

By the way, yesterday Ukraine celebrated another anniversary of the creation of the army chaplaincy, which takes care of the religious needs of soldiers of all confessions, including providing them with food according to their religious canons, especially halal for Muslims and kosher for Jews. And in «united» Russia, have you seen anything similar? And if we talk about Muslims in the Russian army, except for Kadyrov’s special units, are they given the opportunity to pray and eat halal food?

In short, upon closer examination, the justification for the war against Ukraine as a «fight against Satanism» turns out to be roughly the same thing that the Russian troops under Kiev and Kharkiv have already become and are now becoming under Kherson. Including Kadyrov’s units, which, according to rumors, is why their patron is calling for a «jihad against Satanists».

In general, talk of Satanism by the Chechens and their henchmen evokes nothing but a wry smile. After all, it would be difficult to find more powerful Satanists in the world than these followers of occult sects, who even have departments in their security services responsible for witchcraft and magic. Your state is led by a person who constantly undergoes a distorted baptism, who suddenly starts openly kissing children on the naked stomach, and who is known to rejuvenate himself with baths of deer blood, and in the center of Red Square stands a mausoleum-ziggurat. Their army is now literally recruited from rapists, murderers, and cannibals — literally!

So who are the Satanists here, huh?

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