Zombies reminded the authorities of Tatarstan, who is their own?

Yesterday in Tatarstan a search was carried out against the provocateur and Tatarphobe Mikhail Shcheglov, who for years has been fighting against the presence of Tatars in their own republic, the teaching of the Tatar language, its symbolism, the history of the Tatar people, and so on. But they came to him not because of this, but because of the suspicion that he was involved… in cutting down the Orthodox cross on the grave of an Orthodox person buried in the Muslim cemetery of Aktanysh.
Did the Orthodox Shcheglov cut down the Orthodox cross on an Orthodox grave? Absurd at first sight. But if you know that Shcheglov is an experienced provocateur, and that this whole story led to the resignation of the head of the Aktanysh district, Engels Fattakhov, and calls to find out why there are so many Tatars and Muslims there, it all looks different (https://golosislama.com/news.php?id=40767).
And here is an interesting story. The leadership of the «republic» (only its name remains — the Shcheglovs essentially won) sent two battalions of cannon fodder to Moscow for the war against Ukraine. They take the patronage over the captured settlements from Ukraine. Full support for the whole Z policy. But how do the Z leaders themselves behave when the leadership of Tatarstan is faced with the threat of provocateurs who want to rock the boat of inter-ethnic relations, which are clearly not in Moscow’s favor at the moment?
Rightly, they defend themselves… Shcheglov. This is how all the Z channels and media acted yesterday and today when they wrote about this issue. And the Kremlin personally asked Oleg Tsarev, who has nothing to do with Tatarstan, a person who was to be appointed head of the occupation administration of Ukraine, to defend Shcheglov.
But how is this possible? On the one hand, the leadership of Tatarstan, which provides Z with human and financial resources. On the other side, a marginal figure who could actually disrupt this. But Z, all as one, stand on his side. But there is no paradox or illogic in this. And this will become clear as soon as the pro-Kremlin Tatars and other Muslims realize that the real goals of the war Za Ukraine (or, more precisely, against it) are not the defense of «multinational Russia» against the machinations of the West, but the construction of the Russian world.
And they are currently fighting not only to prevent the existence of Ukraine today, but also to prevent the existence of Tatarstan and other Muslim republics in the future, which they will be able to achieve by turning millions of Orthodox Ukrainians into Russians. And Shcheglov is on their side because he supports this. Unlike the Kremlin’s loyal subjects, who are provoked by the «Tatar-Bandera» flag of Tatarstan flying in front of Z’s eyes. Those who have not converted and will not become theirs until they convert to the Kazan governorate. (On the photo — Shcheglov supports the war against Ukraine the day after it started)

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